Thanksgiving Swap: Joe


Joe felt his heart catch in his chest as he stared at the reflection in the mirror. He could still hear the noise downstairs as accusations flew about who had done what to cause the swap and how to keep track of who was in which body. He knew that he should return to the mess and help sort out this ordeal. That someone would notice his absence any minute now. But he had slipped away as soon as he got the opportunity, closing the door to the bedroom behind him as he tried to make sense of what had happened to him. Logically, he understood what he was seeing. Something had happened a few minutes ago during Thanksgiving dinner. In the blink of an eye, his point of view had gone from one end of the table to the other, from his body to someone else’s. And because of whatever had happened in that moment, he was now looking at his brother’s girlfriend’s face in the mirror instead of his own. 

He did some quick math in his head. The odds that he had swapped with someone relatively young, healthy, AND not related by blood was almost 10 to one. The odds he swapped with the one woman in the room he had had a crush on for years? Even smaller.

Joe slowly broke his gaze from Adriana’s face and drew his eyes down to admire the body that was now all his to look at. She hadn’t exactly dressed modestly for the occasion, he thought, resting one of his manicured hands on her exposed cleavage and feeling his heart race as he realized it was now HIS breast that he was touching. His parents had never liked it, but Joe secretly loved it whenever she came by dressed up like she was supposed to be going to a party instead of a family dinner.

His mind raced. He was supposed to go to College next year. To start a long, boring career doing something he didn’t especially care about. But as he looked his body up and down in the mirror another time, a new path started to unfold for him. He saw how his brother had pampered Adriana their whole relationship, the dinners out, the expensive gifts - Maybe once the world calmed down a bit, he wouldn’t mind being somebody’s trophy girlfriend. It was starting to sound a lot better than getting a job!


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