
Role Exchanger: Relearning his own language

“And that’s all for today’s lesson. Good work, you’re getting better!” Malcolm’s teacher smiled, waving bye to him through the video call.   “Thank you, you are.. helping me much.” Malcom smiled back, slowly sounding out his words to make sure he was pronouncing them right. He cut off the call before breathing out a sigh of relief, leaning back in his chair as he examined his reflection in the dark screen of his laptop. Malcolm had a lot to be thankful for after a chance run-in with the Role Exchanger, but his weekly English lessons were definitely not one of them. He had been at an art museum when the Role Exchanger hit, the blue light turning his life upside down as it swapped a number of his traits with other visitors in the ensuing chaos. The most drastic changes hit first, exchanging his gender with a woman to his left. He felt petite breasts begin to push out from his chest as his body rapidly feminized, leaving him as an androgynously female version of his old self. He wouldn’t

Role Exchanger: Not just physical

The Role Exchanger was one of the most studied but least understood phenomenons on earth. Once every few years, a strange blue light appears at random, randomly exchanging both physical and mental characteristics of anyone unlucky enough to be touched by the light until it moves on. There were a dozen different theories as to why it appeared, anything from aliens to terrorists to even acts of God, but for those affected, the effect was the same: The body you had when the light appeared wasn’t the body you’d have when it left, and unless you were lucky (or unlucky) enough to be hit again, you’d be better off getting used to however you ended up. In fact, it was so rare that Danny had thought it was an urban legend until he saw it in person.   He had been at the mall shopping for a gift for his wife when the light appeared, bathing him and the rest of the mall in a soft, blue light. Before he even had time to react, the racks around him began to grow as he exchanged ages with a young boy

Pretending to be his date

“Wow, I know you agreed to pretend to be my date for my reunion but… Damn! I had no idea you were hiding those” Mike exclaimed, struggling to keep his eyes off of his friend’s body “Hey, just because i usually wear hoodies and sweatpants doesn’t mean a girl can’t dress up every once in a while! Austin laughed, clearly enjoying the effect he had on his friend. “Although, at some point we should probably address why the only female friend you felt comfortable asking was the roommate that caught the Gender Virus…”  “Sorry, right, i know it’s awkward but i know Sarah’s gonna be there and i gotta make her jealous that i moved on from her so quickly. I owe you one!” Mike responded. “Anyways, this is a favor to you so let’s go over the ground rules: no groping, squeezing, or staring for too long. you get one kiss on the lips for the night so choose your timing wisely, and you’re buying all my drinks for the night. Got it?” Mike nodded, still clearly distracted by the view in front of him. “An

Why would I give back MY body?

“What do you mean you’re not going to swap back?? That’s MY body!” Camila responded, barely believing what she was hearing.   “It WAS your body until you stole mine and ran off with it for months” Jordan corrected, smiling at incredulous look on his old face. “You think just because you came back after all this time that i’d jump at the chance to have my old body back? Honestly I probably would have a few months back, but it turns out I like being you a lot more than i liked being me “But.. My friends? My job? someone had to have figured out that you’re not really me by now!” She responded, flustered that her comeback didn’t have the effect she intended. “You mean Valeria and Cate?” Jordan laughed. “We’re actually going on a girls trip to the beach next weekend, i can’t wait to show off some of the bikinis i bought for it. And I quit that job for a better one weeks ago, it’s not like you took my programming skills too when you ran off with my body. The funny thing is, as much as I enjo

365 days

“You seem happy today babe, anything special going on?” Tom looked at his girlfriend, surprised at how active she was acting. “Just woke up feeling happy today.. Hey, how about we get a nice dinner tonight, just the two of us? I feel like celebrating tonight!” Nicole responded, unable to keep the smile off her face as she took a quick selfie. “I’ll wear that lingerie you like under my dress so you can tear it off me after…”  Truthfully, Nicole had a lot to celebrate today, although it wasn’t exactly something she could share with her boyfriend. Today marked 365 days since she had been diagnosed with Second Puberty, a personal holiday she had jokingly been referring to as his “Milfaversary” It still blew her mind sometimes, 365 days since he had walked home from the doctors office, holding his diagnosis to his chest: Second Puberty: Early Onset MILF variant. Of course, that wasn’t its official name, but the result would be the same - In a matter of months, Nate’s body would go from bein

Won the shift lottery

As wrong as it sounded to think it, Max felt like he had won the Great Shift lottery. The shift struck during one of his midday meetings with upper management at his company - A whole boardroom filled with rich old men and he happened to end up in the body of a model auditioning for a photoshoot for the advertising agency two floors down. He had tried calculating the odds before, but in the end, all that mattered to him was that In the blink of an eye, he went from being a balding, middle aged white man to having the body of a gorgeous black woman half his age!   Once he got used to dealing with all the maintenance that went into keeping up appearances as a woman, Max was only happy to quit his company to keep up his body’s chosen career as a model - The pay was much better than his old job, and with a body like his, it would be a sin not to show it off! Plus he didn’t mind the added benefit of working around male models all day - A couple of office relationships never hurt anybody, ri

I bet you’d look good as a girl

“Hey, not to sound weird or anything but how are you so chill with this whole gender virus thing? I’d be freaking out if i was you” Alex blurted out, finally asking the question that had been weighing on his mind ever since he met up with John for the first time since his diagnosis. “I mean, you’re like half the size you used to be, and is that makeup?” “I mean yeah, sure i was freaked out when i first started changing but have you seen me now? Dude, i’m hot! I don’t care how it happened, being a 10 as a woman beats being a 6 as a guy any day.” John replied, leaning back in his chair. “And if you knew just how good this body can feel, trust me, you’d spend less time asking questions and more time looking for a way to catch the virus yourself!” “Wait, don’t tell me you’ve…” Alex trailed off, incredulously. “Is it really that good? I mean, i’ve thought about it before but I don’t know if i could actually go through with it. What would my family think?” John paused for a moment before lea