Living as his Aunt

Brian breathed a sigh of relief as he finally got back to his aunt’s apartment, dropping his bags off by the door before stopping short at the sight of his aunt still on the couch. She had been spending a lot of her time here, but he had been hoping she’d be gone by the time he got back so he’d have time to hide his latest purchase from her.

She shifted in her seat at the sound of him walking in, her female mannerisms looking almost comical in his lanky teenage body as she brought up a couple tabs on her laptop.

“Hey, so i was looking online for that storm that swapped our bodies and i think i might have a lead on…” She trailed off mid-sentence, looking up from the computer as Brian sat down on the couch.

“Hold up, what are you wearing? I didn’t buy that top.” She said, pointedly staring at Brian’s exposed chest. 

“So i went shopping, it’s been weeks and none of the clothes you gave me were comfortable around the house!” He responded defensively. “Don’t worry, I bought them then I went straight home.”

“It’s bad enough that we swapped bodies, now i have to worry about you walking around town with my cleavage falling out of my shirt? You better hope no one i know saw you out like that, I have a reputation i want to keep once i’m back in my own body!”

Brian had conveniently left out the real reason he had picked up that outfit: He had a couple of dates lined up over the weekend and despite the gorgeous body underneath it, there was no way he was getting laid in any of the frumpy clothes that his aunt had loaned him. And as hard as she was still looking for ways to reverse the swap, he was ready to move on and accept his new life as his own. A girl had needs, after all!


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