Thai vacation

John could already tell something was wrong as he broke out into a cold sweat on his walk back to his hotel. He had read the travel advisory warning about the Gender Virus outbreak the day he arrived in Thailand, the signs posted on every door of the airport. If he was smart, he would have canceled his vacation then and there, or at least holed up inside his hotel until he got the all-clear, but no. He had spent too much money on this trip to let it go to waste, a decision that led him out of the safe zone and into a crowded bar of locals. 

He had only been there for a few hours before he decided to head back for the night, unaware that his future had already been sealed - A shared drink and a little skin-to-skin contact with a girl at the bar was all it took to pass on the virus to him, and by the time he finished speedwalking back to the hotel, trying to keep his composure as his stomach felt like it was being tied into knots, the virus had already started to set in.

John slammed his hotel door shut, sliding down against the wall, his body feeling like it was turning inside out. He could feel the pressure growing along his body, his skin tingling as the virus worked its way deeper into his body with his every heartbeat. Right as it reached the edge of pain, the pressure finally found an outlet as breasts began pushing out from his chest, straining against the fabric of his shirt as they grew fuller, heavier with each gasp. For a second, he felt like a vice was constricting his body, his core tightening as his waist pulled inwards, the fat moving away from his midsection and down towards his hips. 

His stomach was suddenly tighter and more toned than it had been in years, the slight outline of abs peeking out from under his shirt as his growing breasts pulled the fabric away from his waist. Whatever weight the virus couldn’t put to use felt like it was pouring off of him, his stature shrinking as his body adjusted to the loss of weight. He could feel the pop as his bones realigned themselves under his skin, giving him the narrow shoulders, the slim, feminine frame of a woman half his size. Feeling a moment’s reprieve, John managed to get up for a moment and walk to the couch, his steps uneasy as he adjusted to his new center of gravity and greatly diminished size. The rest only lasted for a few more breaths, a warmth spreading through his body as his cock pulsed in ecstasy, a final goodbye to the shrinking evidence of his masculinity. As it receded into him, molding itself into the pink, sensitive lips of his new pussy, his mind was clouded by lust, equal parts emasculation and pleasure as he realized he was losing the right to call himself a man more and more with each moment. He was going to be a woman, he already WAS a woman where it mattered. The rest was just details. The new curve of his hips, the luscious hair now pooling down his back, the  soft, asian features now fighting against his own for dominance over his face… All details that added up to one simple fact:

He was a man in memory only now, and even that he was sure he’d forget in due time. He already knew enough about the Gender Virus to know that it was permanent. As the changes to his body slowed down and finally came to a halt, John felt lighter than he had in years, almost weightless as he looked past his new breasts to his toned, tanned body and slender, hairless legs. As his eyes centered on the equipment that had replaced his cock between his legs, he was stuck with the overwhelming feeling that how he looked like now was how he’d look for the rest of his life. He had left on vacation as a man, and he’d be coming home a woman, from head to tits to toe. Suddenly, all he could think about was the logistics: He’d have to register as a Gender Virus victim to get an ID that matched his new body, he’d have to go clothes shopping for a bra that fit, he’d have to find a way to tell his family, his friends that the man they had known was gone forever, and that there was now a girl in his place - More pressingly, though, he had to find a way to satisfy his body’s new sex drive - He had only gotten a taste of it during his transformation, and as the shock of seeing his new body wore down his body was begging to let him finish what he started.


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