Role Exchanger: Finally

“God, finally” Ken breathed out a sigh of relief as he posed in the mirror, looking for any imperfections in his makeup. The role exchanger had been kind to him, mostly, considering the fact it had struck him at the mall right outside a cosmetics store - He had gotten his gender swapped along with dozens of new physical features from a mix of different women, combined with an almost obsessive urge to maintain his new hair, makeup, and exercise regimen from the model he had been lucky enough to inherit most of his new good looks from. The only hangup was that while he now had an exacting need to keep up with his body’s new beauty standards, he had almost none of the experience necessary to keep it up. His mornings had practically tripled in length as he now found himself having to get up at the crack of dawn to give himself enough time to get ready. Thankfully, he could almost get through a basic routine now without spending too much time looking things up. Although, the better he got, the more of his free time he spent following along with hair and makeup tutorials once he realized how much of a rush his new body got from the attention!


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