Weighing his options

“Okay, let’s just get this over with” Mark muttered to himself, giving himself a pep talk in the women’s bathroom before returning back to his date right outside. Well, not his date. More specifically, it was his friend Sofia’s date. She had set it up, after all, he was just following through with it in her body. He had been hanging out at her house the day before when a freak electrical storm passed through, striking the building while they were on the couch and somehow swapping their bodies. After the initial shock and a few fruitless hours of trying to find a way to swap back, Sofia came to him with an urgent request: She had finally secured a first date with a guy from her gym she had had a crush on for months, and there was no way in hell she was canceling on him the night before. Until they found a way to swap back, she had a proposition for him - He secures a second date in her body, and she’d owe him, big time. Reluctantly, he agreed.

The scary thing was, he was only a drink or two deep in Sofia’s body but the wine was already starting to hit his system. Looking at his reflection in rage bathroom mirror, he felt good. Like, REALLY good. Her boobs looked great in this top, but he was starting to get the distinct feeling that they’d feel even better without the bra, or better yet, being massaged by his date’s strong hands. Sofia had neglected to tell him this, but apparently she was a pretty horny drunk, he realized. And looking across the table at her date, he was also starting to realize why Sofia was so insistent he not mess up her chances: This guy checked off all her body’s boxes! Mark laughed at another one of his jokes as he took a closer look at his face. He had never thought this way about a guy before, but then again, he had never exactly been inside his friend’s body before either. Internally, he weighed his options. His priorities were clearly shifting from how to get through the night without embarrassing himself to how to make sure the night ended with both of them in the same bed. Sofia did tell him to do ANYTHING to make sure he secured a second date, could she really be too mad if he was just following her instructions?


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