Long Distance Great Shift 11: Italy to India
Luca was trying hard to keep his cool, but he was starting to see no other option. He had been on the run from the police for weeks at this point, counting the hours before they burst through his door and sentenced him to years in prison. But now, as he weighed his chances of being caught, he realized he was now facing a very different type of life sentence. The Great Shift had placed the young Italian man into the body of a middle aged Indian woman, taking his youth and his masculinity away in one fell swoop. Now, as he paced around her upscale Mumbai apartment, an idea was forming in Luca’s head. Whoever’s body he was in now, the original owner was nowhere to be found, and judging by the state of chaos India was in trying to keep track of over a billion swaps, Luca was guessing that as long as he kept his head low, he’d be able to slip into this woman’s life without raising too much concern. From what he could tell from her phone, which thankfully opened at the sight of his new face, she worked long hours and didn’t have much contact with any family or friends. With some careful studying, he just might be able to pass as her. Although, to not call attention to himself, that would mean a lifetime of repressing his old personality to blend into Indian society as the mature woman the rest of the world now saw him as.
Although, it wasn’t as if he had many other options otherwise. He’d never be able to claim his old identity again without immediately being sent to prison for his crimes. The only option he saw to keep his freedom was to leave his swap unreported and take on the life of the body he found himself in. Luca looked down at the feminine body and full, brown breasts he now sported instead of his pale, athletic former self, and came to a decision. It was better to live free in India as Anjali than locked up in Italy as Luca.
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