Enjoying Retirement

“Damn it’s hard to find the right angles on these things, not that i have any wrong angles anymore!” Joe laughed as he struggled to take his first ever selfie. Four months ago, his bloodwork at his yearly doctor’s visit had revealed some shocking news: At 68, his body had begun experiencing the latest recorded case of Second Puberty the scientific community had ever seen. Instead of settling into his retirement like he had planned, Joe was growing stronger by the day as he was thrust into the form of a woman younger than his own kids. By the time his body stabilized, he wasn’t sure what surprised him more, the fact that he now had a biological age of 25 or that he had a cup size of 32D!

Now, getting ready for a beach trip with his college age granddaughter, Joe didn’t care what gender he ended up as - What mattered was that he was young, healthy, and extremely attractive, three things he was definitely planning on taking advantage of this weekend. He had spent his whole life working already, now it was time to let loose a little!


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