Thanksgiving Swap: Ian

While Jared was admiring his new body, Ian was doing the same just one door down. The Great Shift had placed him in the body of Sammie, his brother’s girlfriend. As he paced around the room, he took stock of all the unfamiliar feelings he was now experiencing. The tight tank top stretching over his now toned, slim body. The long hair brushing down past his shoulders. The tight shorts that now hugged his smooth crotch, highlighting with every step that he was no longer in a man’s body. He pulled out his phone, and opening the camera, got a closer look at what would be his face for the rest of his life. He smiled a bit, seeing the face smile back at him. Ian had always thought Sammie had the worst attitude, and until then he didn’t know what his brother saw in her, but looking at her face now - she was pretty cute without a scowl on her face like she usually had. 

Ian’s thoughts were interrupted by yelling coming from downstairs. He couldn’t believe he was thinking this, but he was happy he ended up in Sammie’s body instead of any of the other possibilities he could have ended up in, most of them family.  He lifted Sammie’s shirt up slowly, tentatively revealing her breasts. As an idea started to form in his head, he went over and locked the bedroom door, ensuring no one would interrupt him. It was time to see what else Sammie’s body had to offer.


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