Kinda being a buzzkill

“How are you acting so calm? First i can barely contact you, now you pull up with a smile on your face like there’s nothing wrong! Do i need to remind you that if we don’t track down whoever stole our bodies and left us in these, we might never get our old lives back?” David asked, shocked at his friend’s nonchalant smile across the table. “Wake up dude, This time last week i was up to my eyes in paperwork at the office going nowhere. Now it’s the middle of the workday and I’m having brunch. I’ve never had a chance to get brunch in my life! And once we’re done here, I’m gonna put the bill on someone else’s credit card and go home to my giant house. I don’t know about you, but i’m not trading this in for my old like anytime soon! “Doesn’t your body have a husband? I can’t believe you’re ok with this!! “Grow up dude, being a trophy wife isn’t so bad actually, you wouldn’t believe how much better the sex is from this side anyways. Maybe if you got some dick in your new body you’d start wo...