
Thai vacation

John could already tell something was wrong as he broke out into a cold sweat on his walk back to his hotel. He had read the travel advisory warning about the Gender Virus outbreak the day he arrived in Thailand, the signs posted on every door of the airport. If he was smart, he would have canceled his vacation then and there, or at least holed up inside his hotel until he got the all-clear, but no. He had spent too much money on this trip to let it go to waste, a decision that led him out of the safe zone and into a crowded bar of locals.   He had only been there for a few hours before he decided to head back for the night, unaware that his future had already been sealed - A shared drink and a little skin-to-skin contact with a girl at the bar was all it took to pass on the virus to him, and by the time he finished speedwalking back to the hotel, trying to keep his composure as his stomach felt like it was being tied into knots, the virus had already started to set in. John slammed hi

Vacation Roulette

Ever since Eric had come into possession of the Medallion of Zulu, he had been using it as an escape from his daily life. All it took was touching the medallion to a piece of clothing worn by someone else, and it could change his body into a perfect replica of whoever had worn it last. He worked from home most days, and it wasn’t uncommon for him to spend days at a time as someone else: Friends, neighbors, anybody whose clothes he could get his hands on. So much so, that his usual bodies had started to get boring. He needed to step up his game if he wanted to keep the excitement fresh, and he had the perfect idea to spice it up: A game he liked to call vacation roulette.   The rules were simple: He booked a flight somewhere, brought nothing but his ID and the clothes on his back, and swiped a piece of unclaimed luggage off the carousel on his way out the airport. After he checked into his hotel, all he had to do was press the medallion onto some clothing from the suitcase, and he had a

Living as his Aunt

Brian breathed a sigh of relief as he finally got back to his aunt’s apartment, dropping his bags off by the door before stopping short at the sight of his aunt still on the couch. She had been spending a lot of her time here, but he had been hoping she’d be gone by the time he got back so he’d have time to hide his latest purchase from her. She shifted in her seat at the sound of him walking in, her female mannerisms looking almost comical in his lanky teenage body as she brought up a couple tabs on her laptop. “Hey, so i was looking online for that storm that swapped our bodies and i think i might have a lead on…” She trailed off mid-sentence, looking up from the computer as Brian sat down on the couch. “Hold up, what are you wearing? I didn’t buy that top.” She said, pointedly staring at Brian’s exposed chest.  “So i went shopping, it’s been weeks and none of the clothes you gave me were comfortable around the house!” He responded defensively. “Don’t worry, I bought them then I went

Indian Variant

“Oh fuck, he’s hot…” Michael bit his lip, trying not to stare as he saw a man walk past him on street, unwillingly feeling a shy excitement as he noticed him look back around, the man’s eyes roaming his new body before moving on.   “I could probably get with him,” he thought. “Just walk up and say a few words and he could be plowing me tonight…” His mind drifted for a moment before he snapped himself back to reality. He was straight, he reminded himself, he always had been. But still, he couldn’t exactly control his subconscious. These intrusive thoughts had started when he caught the Gender Virus on his way back from a business trip to India, and had been growing in frequency ever since. The virus had taken hold after he’d gotten home, probably passed on to him from a shared drink at his hotel’s bar. Who knows how many more he had infected on the flight back, spreading the virus’s gift to others before he noticed the symptoms and quarantined himself. It had certainly worked its magic

Medallion of Zulo: Stuck

“Oh shit…” Kevin’s smile froze on his face as he reached his car only to find the back window shattered and its contents clearly gone through. “Shit, shit, shit, this can’t be happening!” He shouted as he ran to unlock the door, frantically searching the backseat for the only thing in there he cared about, a small duffel bag with an ornate medallion inside of it, but it was no use. The bag was gone, stolen by some petty thief who had no idea the magnitude of the find he had just lucked into. Kevin had found the medallion weeks ago, a recent come-up at a thrift store that had caught his eye. It hadn’t been until he got home and accidentally turned into a copy of his roommate that he truly realized the power of what he had just bought. The medallion, when pressed into one’s hand along with a piece of clothing, was able to transform the holder into a perfect copy of whoever had last worn those clothes, using up its power for the next twelve hours or so before it was able to be used again.

Kidnapped in Japan

Wait, you can’t leave me like this! I’m traveling with friends! My family’s back home, they’ll notice i’m gone!” he pleaded, clinging to any hope he could reason with his kidnappers. “Just let me free and i’ll pretend like this never happened, i swear!” The man paused at the door, stopping to listen to Alex’s argument as he trailed off, waiting for a reaction. A few seconds later, he responded with a soft laugh, his cold smile sucking the air out of the room. “Do you really believe you’re the first person we’ve done this to?” He asked in lightly accented english. “Your parents are getting the news as we speak. You and your friends decided that Japan was nice to visit, but you’ve decided to move on to Thailand next. Once the updates stop in a few weeks and you’re finally reported missing, they’ll be focusing their search on a completely different country than your new home. That’s where all the evidence will point, anyways.” “As for your friends? You’ll see them soon enough,” He laughed

Role Exchanger: Finally

“God, finally” Ken breathed out a sigh of relief as he posed in the mirror, looking for any imperfections in his makeup. The role exchanger had been kind to him, mostly, considering the fact it had struck him at the mall right outside a cosmetics store - He had gotten his gender swapped along with dozens of new physical features from a mix of different women, combined with an almost obsessive urge to maintain his new hair, makeup, and exercise regimen from the model he had been lucky enough to inherit most of his new good looks from. The only hangup was that while he now had an exacting need to keep up with his body’s new beauty standards, he had almost none of the experience necessary to keep it up. His mornings had practically tripled in length as he now found himself having to get up at the crack of dawn to give himself enough time to get ready. Thankfully, he could almost get through a basic routine now without spending too much time looking things up. Although, the better he got,